Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hello Cocktail Revolution fans and web surfers.  

We had a "news" page up on our website forever, and I almost never once added any news... too tough to hop on Dreamweaver every time I thought of something to say (particularly since Dreamweaver only worked on my old machine.)  

Also, when it's called a "blog", I feel like I have the right to write more casually, and don't have to worry about proper grammarness and proper spelllingg and run-on sentences, and beginning those bad grammar, poorly spelled, run-on sentences with words like "also" or "anyway".  Anyway, I'm hoping this blog format works better for news and info on what's happening with the Cocktail Revolution.  

First off, mark your calendars for September 20th.  That will be the release of Cocktail Revolution's newest (and first full length) album.  We're going to have a kick-ass CD release party at Jazz at Jack's that night, with lots of special guests, free stuff, free shwag (I'm told "stuff" and "shwag" are two different things), free doo-dads, and free spliffelwonks.  Plus drink specials, a kick-ass visual show to accompany our stage performance, DJ Check-one (spinning mixes of our stuff), and more.

To get free admission to the party, go to and sign up.  We'll send you an actual invite in the mail!

Anyway, that's about it... oh wait... here's what the new CD cover looks like:

And that's it.  Thanks for reading.

Cocktail Revolution